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When National News Paints Your Institution With Too Broad a Brush

Higher education isn’t a monolith, but media attention on trends that aren’t impacting your campus can cause confusion. A community college president considers how and when to respond.

ChatGPT: A Different Kind of Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting often flies under the radar, but it’s not that different from using AI; both exist in an ethical gray area.

Embrace AI To Boost Your Enrollment Marketing Team’s Productivity

Advantages include: automation, personalization and increased engagement.

Marketing Is a Code Word

Marketing is a go-to solution but sometimes masks deeper issues.

Communicating Effectively in a Presidential Search

Board leaders, search chairs, chief communications officers and presidents-elect can all benefit from understanding the communications considerations of a presidential search.

Centralization Is Not the Objective

When considering effective models for managing marketing and communications across institutions, structure should follow strategy.

Harnessing the Power of Student Stories

Five strategies to help increase earned media placements.

In a Crisis, Mum Is Not the Word

When dealing with crisis communications, college and university presidents need to lead with values and demonstrate authenticity.