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Pac-12 logo at midfield of a football field

Conference Reshuffling Adds to Instability in Big-Time Sports

Five universities leave the Pacific-12 for other leagues, leaving behind just four peers. Leaders insist institutional “stability,” not money, drives their moves.

Two people stand together holding a maroon Aggie shirt with maroon and silver balloons behind them.

The Toll of a Botched Hire

Texas A&M announces it will pay Kathleen McElroy $1 million and concludes that the university’s prior president, despite protestations to the contrary, played a key role in the mess.

Accused Harvard Dishonesty Researcher Sues Harvard, Bloggers

Francesca Gino, the Harvard University dishonesty researcher accused of research misconduct, filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the university, Harvard Business...
A photo illustration showing photos of Stanford University researchers Sean Reardon and Thomas Dee with black bars pasted over their mouths.

Barred From Testifying by a Research Agreement

Lawyers representing children suing California sought two Stanford University K-12 researchers as expert witnesses. But the state Department of Education threatened the professors with fines.

Union: UC Berkeley Graduate Student Researchers Get Back Pay

University of California, Berkeley, graduate student researchers have received around $600,000 in back pay, their union announced Wednesday. The payouts...
An image created using a photo of Adrien Matray and graphs and quotes from a retraction note.

Princeton Professor Objects to Retraction of Economics Paper

American Economic Review retracted an economics paper, it said, upon the authors’ request. But an author said it was without his consent.

A photograph of a woman sitting, wearing a maroon blazer with the Texas A&M University logo on it.

Texas A&M Professor Suspended for Allegedly Criticizing Lieutenant Governor

Texas A&M already lost its president in the wake of a Texas Tribune article on the mishandled hiring of a Black professor. Now, the Tribune connects politics to the investigation of a current professor.

A student in a ball cap sits at a laptop with the words "The George and Mary Foster Anthropology Library" on official lettering on the wall behind him, and, on banners below those letters, “You fund displacement why not education?” and “public libraries are not for sale."

UC Berkeley Student Protest Keeps Anthropology Library Open—Kind Of

Student protesters and faculty support dwindled over the nearly three-month occupation of the anthropology library.