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Pearson Launches Calculus Homework Helper

Pearson has developed a sophisticated mobile app for students struggling with calculus. But in a crowded marketplace, will it stand out?

Alternative Textbook Providers on the Rise

As major textbook publishers grapple with new strategic directions, alternative providers focused on lower-cost materials seize the opportunity to grow their market share.

Where Research Meets Profits

Recent allegations of copyright violations against a professor who shared his own work on his website spark debate about ownership and whether peer reviewers should be paid.

Publishers' Pending Merger Faces Growing Opposition

Concerned about limited purchasing options and potential price increases, students and consumer groups challenge the proposed merger of two major textbook publishers.

Colliding Values at Doane

University library exhibit included photos of students from the 1920s in blackface. Now the library director is suspended -- and some of her faculty colleagues say Doane made the wrong call.

OpenStax Seeks Applications for Institutional OER Partnerships

OpenStax -- Rice University 's nonprofit initiative for affordable, openly licensed textbooks -- has opened applications for its second round...

Digital Divides

Scott McLemee reviews two books about our networked society that raise rather dystopian concerns.