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Creating Rich Transcripts for Career Activation

Institutions should be embarrassed by the standard transcripts they have been issuing, unchanged for a century, and students should demand better, argues Fred Cutler.

Why Students Should Be Allowed to Grade Themselves

Instructors should consider the grading dilemmas caused by COVID-19 and recognize that traditional assessment methods have always been arbitrary and unproductive, argues Madeline Grimm.

The Best Response Is a Measured One

What data do we need, asks Justin Westerfield, to make an equitable contingency plan for assessing and grading students in the future?

Pass-Fail Hardball

Students are again seeking pass-fail options for this anything-but-normal fall. Institutions are far less lenient than they were in the spring -- with some exceptions.

Humane Assessment Shouldn’t Happen Only During a Pandemic

A standards-based approach to grading that incorporates goal-setting and self-reflection can help promote students' progress in times of crisis as well as normalcy, advises Rosalie Metro.

Grading in a Pandemic (Still)

Colleges adopted an array of flexible assessment policies because of COVID-19 last spring. Many are reverting to their normal practices this fall -- though the term will be anything but.

Curriculum and Assessment Amid COVID-19 and Beyond

"Curriculum and Assessment Amid COVID-19 and Beyond" is Inside Higher Ed' s new downloadable collection of articles. You may access...

A Push for Equitable Assessment

COVID-19 and nationwide antiracism protests have intensified conversations about inequity in higher education. One research group hopes to use the moment to promote more inclusive ways to validate learning.