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Several colleges in and around Lewiston, Me., were closed Wednesday because of the continuing threat of an active shooter who killed 18 people in the area Wednesday night.

Bates College, which is located directly in Lewiston, went into lockdown Wednesday and remains closed today. “We know this is extraordinarily difficult, particularly for those students who have not been able to return to their residence halls,” Geoffrey Swift, the college’s vice president for finance and administration, said in a website message today. “The City of Lewiston and the Lewiston Police Department have authorized us to shuttle students sheltering in place in academic and administrative buildings to their residence halls on campus.”

Bates was still in lockdown as of Thursday night, and classes were canceled Friday, the college said.

Central Maine Community College, the Maine College of Health Professions and the University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn campus are also closed today, and classes are canceled at Southern Maine’s primary campuses in Portland. Numerous other campuses were closed as well.